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What is the benefits of our WordPress hosting plan ?

Easiest way to get a WordPress site

  • WordPress is automatically setup for you.
  • Quick Start Wizard with pre-built sites to customize with drag & drop editor
  • Free daily backups for 30 days
  • Simple 1-click restore
  • Automatics WordPress core software updates.

Faster and handles large traffic spikes

  • Hosting platform optimized and built just for WordPress Serves site faster with SSD drives, built in caching layers
  • Resources are not limited (CPU, RAM, I/O).
  • Built to scale for big traDc spikes.

More secure out of the box

  • Built in protection from specific WordPress security issues
    • Comment spam
    • Brute force logins
    • DDoS attacks
  • Automatic WordPress core security updates
  • (Update major plugins only when there is a very severe security issue)

Training videos and walkthroughs!

  • All Plans Include over 150 in-app training videos and walkthroughs.
    • Pros – save time training your client how to edit and update their site.
    • SMB DIY – Help to learn the basic at your finger tips.
Category: WordPress Hosting

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